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Curious Realms: Step Into Abstraction

27dec(dec 27)12:00 pm05jan(jan 5)6:00 pmCurious Realms: Step Into Abstraction

Event Details

Participating Artists

Andrea GordonAlli LemonElisa Wolcott, Ilan Gutin & Sean Hogan, JayCee BeyaleJohnny DracoKaitlyn TucekNatalie Thedford, and Olive Moya

About the Exhibition

Step into abstraction and discover the curious realms of our creative minds . . .

Abstraction is defined as: “existing in thought or idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.” Concepts like love, imagination, faith, and hope are abstract, yet they unite us through shared human experience, representing something indescribable but undeniably real. Just as love and hope are felt more than understood, abstract art provides an experience beyond comprehension.

Curious Realms brings together a diverse group of artists from Boulder and across the U.S., exploring abstraction through a variety of mediums, from multi-media installations to intricate ceramics. Through their artworks, the artists explore themes such as identity, grief, motherhood, inspiration, the natural world, and childlike wonder, offering poignant perspectives on the abstract.

This exhibition invites viewers to journey into their own curious realms, offering an opportunity to explore how we, as humans, bring to life the intangible forces that shape our world. The Curious Realms exhibit encompasses many of the Dairy Arts Center’s gallery spaces, from the McMahon Gallery to the entry foyer, so take your time to explore and discover the realm of abstraction.



December 27 (Friday) 12:00 pm - January 5 (Sunday) 6:00 pm


Dairy Center for the Arts

An old dairy plant houses art galleries, a cinema & theaters for drama, dance & comedy troupes.
2590 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80302

Learn More

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