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From the Inside- Understanding Jewish Peoplehood, Israel and Our Future

06dec7:00 pm8:30 pmFrom the Inside- Understanding Jewish Peoplehood, Israel and Our Future

Event Details

Molly Livingstone, is a mom of 4, professional speaker, tech worker, and an American who moved to Israel and made it her home. She will share her journey to Israel and share her experience with the “new normal” in Israel since the massacres of October 7th.

Molly brings her perspective as an American-Israeli raising four children in Jerusalem, while her husband continues to fight for Israel and the Jewish people. This is an authentic conversation to shed light in darkness, the resilience of the startup nation’s innovations, community strength, and Jewish Peoplehood around the world.

You may cry, but she will also make you laugh. Molly’s goal is to inform, enlighten, and empower. You can follow her @thebigfalafel on Instagram.

This program is supported by Jewishcolado and Adventure Judaism.




(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Boulder JCC

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