The last thing Rebekah Lark remembers is lying on an outdoor swing in her backyard on a clear autumn day in Niwot, Colorado. But now, she
awakens in an unfamiliar brownstone in New York City with snow falling heavily. A man– a stranger – enters the room and serenades her. Everyone longs to belong, and Rebekah’s twisted existential plight, strikes that chord as she is propelled on a quest to prove her identity. This is an engaging tale about a woman desperately trying to find her way back to her daughter as she falls hopelessly in love with a man who believes she is his wife.
Both psychological and philosophical, the novel asks questions like: Who are we without our identity? Does the heart as well as brain carry memory? What power do we give to the medical community to make our decisions?
Stranger to Myself will be available at the Boulder Bookstore launch or purchase it now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other sites under Jennifer’s maiden name “Svendsen.”
“Gracefully and intelligently written with nice metaphors. Plausible characters. Intriguing
story. Well-paced.” Colin McGinn, philosopher
“This is a character-inspired, well-plotted story with fabulous writing, a great theme and good forward-flow. The characters are complex and loveable, yet full of trauma and difficulty.” Laura Pritchett, author
About Svendsen Delaney
Jennifer Svendsen Delaney, LPC obtained a masters in writing from the University of Colorado in Boulder. The beginning of Stranger to Myself won the Jovanovich Imaginative Award for best graduate thesis. Jen’s work has been published in literary journals, newspapers, magazines, ezines and blogs and she co-founded a writing coaching business. Often clients’ blocks led to childhood trauma. This led her to return for a masters in counseling from Regis University. Working in private practice for 12 years, Jen uses Brainsppotting to help writers and others to overcome complex PTSD to unleash their brilliance. She lives and snowshoes with her partner, J.R. and is grateful Chief Niwot kept her two daughters close by.