Exploring Minds Academy is a private early learning program for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. We also include a Private Kindergarten program as well as Kindergarten enrichment taught by a Colorado Certified Teacher. In addition we provide a program for children K – 4th grade that offers Before & After care as well as a fun-filled, field trip rich Camp during School closures, Summer, Winter and Spring Breaks.
At Exploring Minds Academy, our philosophy is simple: Work together with parents and children to create an environment at home and at the Academy that ensures ongoing learning, development, and fun that is appropriate for each individual child.
We encourage learning through discovery in the following areas:
* Language
* Math
* Science
* Sensory
* Practical Living
* Art
* Dramatic Play
* Library
All children in our programs will experience:
* The Joy of Active Learning and Active Discovery
* A Genuine Love of Learning
* Application of New Found Knowledge
* Development of Age Appropriate Social Skills
* Increase in Self-Esteem & Confidence
* Enhancement of Emotional Intelligence for More Rewarding Peer Interactions