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Celebrate the History of Eemia with Acana; a Winter Celebration

20dec5:00 pm10:00 pmCelebrate the History of Eemia with Acana; a Winter Celebration

Event Details

On the eve of Earth’s winter solstice, a wondrous frosty
extravaganza emerges from the very heart of the icy season—a celebration known as Acana.
Bookended by Adulti-Verses with an opening ceremony on December 20th and on January 3rd
with closing ceremonies. Throughout the rest of Acana, travelers are cordially invited to delve into the
enchanting tale of Meow Wolf Denver’s “ice world,” Eemia—a frigid realm that serves as the focal point
of The Convergence for the cost of a general admission ticket to the exhibit.

Enjoy the not-so-hyper space during Adulti-Verse: a night to imbibe in flavorous booze while enjoying the mind-bending Convergence Station experience. From 5-10 pm, only travelers 21 years and older with a valid ID and Adulti-Verse ticket will be permitted. Last entry for those under the age of 21 is 3pm and must exit by 5pm.



(Wednesday) 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Meow Wolf

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