Join us in celebration at the Boulder JCC for an interactive, musical Chanukah celebration with Jeff and Paige! With elaborate costumes (including Latke Man) and catchy songs, this annual event is bound to get your family excited for the Festival of Lights. Jeff and Paige will inspire children through their use of storytelling to explore Chanukah and celebrate its many traditions. Take part in additional exciting vendors, located in the Lobby. This is a family-friendly event and tailored towards children 7 years of age and under. Concert will take place in Levin Hall.
Featuring Vendors in Boulder JCC Lobby
– Community Fruit Rescue
– David the Dreidel
– DAYENU: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
– Eco-Cyclel
– Face Painting with Katie Miller (Where the Wild Things Art)
– Jeff and Paige Merchandise
– Whistling Boar – Selling sufganiyot (donuts), rugelach (pastry cookies), Chanukah sugar cookies, coconut macaroons, and moreI,