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NCAR Explorer Series - Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate

19oct7:00 pm9:00 pmNCAR Explorer Series - Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate

Event Details

Dear inquiring minds,

Have you enjoyed one of our many free panels, lectures, or conversations in the Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium in the past or always wanted to?

A typical atmospheric river transports more than double the flow of the Amazon river, and when they make landfall, can produce heavy rain or snow. Figuring out how global warming will alter this important part of Earth’s water cycle is a key challenge for planning around our future water resources.

A talk by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Christine Shields.

Make Your Reservation Here 

(Free – Reservations Recommended)

NCAR speaker (1)


Christine Shields is a Project Scientist in the Climate Change Research section at NCAR with expertise in simulating Earth’s past, present and future climate with the Community Earth System Model (CESM).  Christine’s primary focus is toward understanding Earth’s hydrological cycle in the context of climate change, with particular emphasis on atmospheric rivers (ARs), monsoons, moisture transport, cyclones, and weather extremes.   Christine’s research spans much of Earth history, including simulations of Deep Time (millions of years ago). She also looks beyond present day with projections of the effects of climate change on future climate. She is involved in a community-driven effort to define the uncertainty surrounding the various definitions of atmospheric rivers and is particularly interested in how this uncertainty shapes our understanding of ARs in a warmer world.



(Thursday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Stewart Auditorium

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