Our Annual Pot Luck Danksgiving is this Friday!
Greetings fellow Elevationists! We are excited to invite you to our Annual Pot Luck Danksgiving! For our new members that may not know–every year, we host a Danksgiving pot luck feast, where our members bring leftovers from their Thanksgiving dinners, and we all elevate and dine with one another! It’s not a traditional service, but it is consumption friendly, so if you would like to bring a guest, please make sure to respond to this email and RSVP with their full legal names. Also, if you do not have leftovers or food to bring, we ask for a $10 donation to cover the cost of food that we will be providing.
Lastly, we are collecting warm clothes and canned food for those less fortunate than us. Please bring any items you wish to donate.
Can’t wait to see you Friday Night, November 29th at 8:30PM (Doors open at 8:15PM, dinner starts at 8:45PM!
Still have questions, concerns, opinions, or suggestions? Feel free to email us at I[email protected]
We would love to hear from you!
Visit us online @ Elevationists.Org