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State of the Climate Press Conference (Denver Capitol-East Lawn)

09jan12:00 pm2:00 pmState of the Climate Press Conference (Denver Capitol-East Lawn)

Event Details

The 2025 Colorado Legislative Session is beginning. Please join us and allies this Thursday, Jan. 9th, at 12:00pm at the State Capitol East Lawn for a “State of the Climate” Rally happening directly after Gov. Polis delivers his State of the State speech.
Allies in the climate, environmental justice, and anti-fracking movement are joining forces once again to highlight the need for more action to address the climate crisis and environmental justice, with an emphasis on curtailing fracking – the #1 source of GHG emissions and ozone pollution and a major toxic burden on frontline communities in our state. We want to make sure our leaders know that we are still not on target to meet our climate goals, and permitting new oil and gas wells needs to stop, as it’s causing major harm to our health, climate, air, and water resources.
Please RSVP and invite friends for a broad show of support for a rapid and just transition off fossil fuels to a clean renewable energy future!



(Thursday) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


350 Colorado


Become a climate activist.

350 Colorado is building the local grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis and transition to a sustainable future. Our overarching goals: Movement Building, Keeping Fossil Fuels in the Ground, and Promoting Solutions.  

What we are working to accomplish:

A fossil free future 

In order to avoid the most devastating impacts of the climate crisis, no new fossil fuels can be brought online. To be a true leader in climate action, Colorado must stop fossil fuel extraction, production, and investments.

A just & equitable transition

We are demanding solutions that protect our most vulnerable communities and workers. Together we are working to dismantle oppressive systems that enable poverty, racism, and inequity.  

Creative climate solutions

From renewable energy to regenerative agriculture, we are working at the local and state level to ensure Colorado has a clear and immediate pathways to reduce emissions and secure 100% clean, renewable energy for all.

A livable climate for all

All Coloradans deserve a safe and livable environment to grow up in. Help us protect the places and people we love so Colorado’s beauty can be enjoyed by future and present generations.

Learn More

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