“Cari and Ray are such bright lights and such incredibly talented performers and musicians. Plus the spark between them is irresistible. Their new album, Shrieking Violets is an absolute gem. A must have! I’m proud and privileged to know these two exceptional artists.”
– Helen Forster, Co-Host, Executive Producer and Creative Director –
On the heels of their successful 2022 release, Highway Islands, Strangebyrds found themselves back in their Byrd Nest Recording Studio writing a brand-new album, a Rock album- ShriekingViolets! With Ray’s cancer diagnosis as their impetus, they began to write their sixth studio album with music being their catalyst for a cure and a way to beat this monster down. Harkening back to Ray’s Rock Roots from his days performing in a myriad of bands in New York City, they began to draw deeply from the well of inspiration as both patient and caregiver.
In just over a year, twelve brand new Strangebyrds’ songs were born. Never ones to be “Shrinking Violets” they decided to call their new album Shrieking Violets – a name that symbolizes their vision and battle to bring hope to others facing life-altering situations. With the support of their fans & friends, they reached 197% of their Shrieking Violets Kickstarter Campaign in just twenty-five days. Strangebyrds wishes to thank everyone who has reached out and shown support during this very difficult and eye-opening year. Their new album,”Shrieking Violets” debuted to a sold out audience on October 21st, 2023 at E-Town Hall in Boulder, Colorado. Strangebyrds will be performing select “Shrieking Violets” shows with their full band throughout 2024, interspersed with their signature Folk/Rock Americana Duo performances.
Albums by Strangbyrds
Highway Islands: Strangebyrds Signature Folk/Rock-Americana
“I’ve been listening to Strangebyrds album, Highway Islands several times over the past few days, it’s beautiful. I love the songs and arrangements, your voices are wonderful together and on top of all that, the spirit you bring to it all is real and powerful”.
– Tim Burlingame, Sweet Talk Radio
Strangebyrds Kicking Cancer with Shrieking Violets: A Rock Album
On the heels of their successful 2022 release, Highway Islands, Strangebyrds found themselves back in their Byrd Nest Recording Studio writing a brand-new album, a Rock album – Shrieking Violets!
With Ray’s cancer diagnosis as their impetus, they began to write their sixth studio album with music being their catalyst for a cure and a way to beat this monster down…