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yellow scene  magazine cover for February 2013
Best of the West

The Fall of Big Boy

Tom Porter had hunted before.  An older gentleman with icy blue eyes and a healthy sweep of white hair, his poise suggested a man who’d just dog-eared a page of The Economist before greeting you. But the hunter in Porter knew the display outside his porch window on Jan. 1 seemed a tad unorthodox. Around 11:50 pm, in the...


The Fall of Big Boy

Around 11:50 pm, in the quiet residential corner of Ninth Street and Mapleton Avenue, witnesses say Boulder police officer Samuel Carter, 35, approached a bull elk, locally known as “Big Boy,” as it munched on crab apples from a tree on Porter’s front lawn. Nestled in Carter’s shoulder was his police-issued, 12-gauge shotgun.

Best of the West

Yellow Scene Magazine presents its annual Best of the West issue (and the crowd goes wild!), a tribute to our editors' and readers' favorite restaurants, spas, shops, places and people. Enjoy, and don't forget to vote in 2014.


Editor’s Picks

Boulder International Film Festival, Grateful Dead members, and a musical about Bat Boy... You're welcome!

Ten Questions with William Mooney

Ten questions with "All My Children's" William Mooney.


Review: Harold’s Restaurant

Don’t be fooled by the attached Best Western hotel: Harold’s is a cool place. You’ll know it as soon as you walk in and are presented with your choice of sitting in the dining room or the lounge, known as the Bayonet Room. We chose the dining room, but the Bayonet Room would be a great place to hang out for happy hour; tin ceiling, wood panels and red leather upholstery offer a speakeasy...

Also in This Edition

What Goes Up…

In the dead of winter, the outdoor types must "dust off" gym memberships for decent cardio workouts. That is, unless, you try out uphill skinning. Our Outdoors columnist tells all.