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yellow scene  magazine cover for September 2015


Spotlight on Karl Denson

Co-founder and leader of the Greyboy Allstars, saxophonist Karl Denson just spent most of the last year on the Zip Code tour with the Rolling Stones.


That’s probably the best way to explain it. As a career journalist, I’m ashamed at what I witnessed today.

Blunt Talk: 15 for 15

To celebrate 15 years of YellowScene we've compiled our 15 for 15 - the Top 15 facts about marijuana that have come to light since 2000.

Voices: Black X Project

Project X aims to show the world that there are black people out there who are productive members of society. It seems to us that society should know this already, though it is great that a project like this exists, dispelling stereotypes.

Also in This Edition

Exercising to Let off Steam: Can it Burn You?

By many objective standards, life in the Yellow Scene distribution area is pure sunshine and rainbows: pretty hills, affordable weed, and that McDonald’s breakfast sandwich where the bun is a syrup-soaked pancake.

Military focuses on transgender service equality

Transgender issues are at the forefront of America’s collective mind.


Boulder County’s SPAN

Boulder County’s Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence is a community of people committed to ending violence against adults, youth and children.

Community Corner

Voices: Black X Project

Project X aims to show the world that there are black people out there who are productive members of society. It seems to us that society should know this already, though it is great that a project like this exists, dispelling stereotypes.