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yellow scene  magazine cover for December 2023
Health, Education and 65+ Issue

Are Generations Really That Different From One Another?

Although not purely divided along political or economic lines, the stratification of generations, each with their own preferences, prejudices, and peccadilloes, has never been more apparent or important than in today’s American landscape. The assumptions made by generations before the 1960s were simply summed up by...


Are Generations Really That Different From One Another?

Although not purely divided along political or economic lines, the stratification of generations, each with their own preferences, prejudices, and peccadilloes, has never been more apparent or important than in today’s American landscape. The assumptions made by generations before the 1960s were simply summed up by “elders and young people.” Now, with an almost holy reverence, each...

Living Off Side Jobs: Boulder County Educators Struggle to Pay Bills with Teaching Salary

Working nights as a bartender, days as a master’s-educated teacher A typical week for Halle Thomas looks like teaching her toddler class from 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and heading straight to her bartending or serving job, which runs until 10 p.m. Weekends are her days off from both jobs, but Thomas usually picks up extra babysitting gigs or extra bartending or serving shifts. Stretches without a...

2023 Year in Review

Looking back and looking ahead to everything we’ve done and have yet to do.


The War in Gaza

The war in Sudan. The Ethiopian civil war. The Maghreb insurgency. The Somali civil war. The Myanmar civil war. The Democratic Forces insurgency in Congo and Uganda. The Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad. The Yemeni Civil War. .Gaza. Some of these conflicts go back decades or even longer, but all of them have also suffered significant loss of life in 2023. And yet, in all of the above conflicts — which are but a snapshot of the wars taking place on Earth — there are two stark differences between all of them and one particular outlier. Gaza.

Scene Stealers | December 2023

Shows & 2024 Entertainment

Spotlight on Local Band Releases of the Year

I’ve long said that per capita, the Colorado music scene is as good as any in the nation. Every genre you can think of is represented by top notch talent in the Centennial State, and with each passing year, more artists bubble to the top of an already outstanding slate of performers. This year’s collection of some of my favorite albums is by no means comprehensive, nor representative of all...


Off Menu with Chef Yong “Peter” Ho of Oak at Fourteenth

On the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving I settled into the chef’s kitchen view seat at OAK at Fourteenth. I expected an out-of-the-way seat on a slow night, but that’s not what happened. Initial quiet slowly evolved into a procession of diners coming through the doorway and a steady drum of order tickets printing in the kitchen. As things got busier, I noticed Executive Chef Yong...

Get Ready to Nog: Hard, soft or dairy-free, there’s something for everyone.

Each year drinkers have access to increasingly broad options for eggnog that bush boundaries beyond the traditional rich, nutmeg laden confection that’s basically custard in a glass. There are vegan/dairy-free types that are made from oat milk, coconut milk and almond milk as well as low fat, gingerbread and chocolate nogs. There are super-cheap nog versions (we wouldn’t) and extravagant versions (yes, please).

Finding Fresh Produce in the Dead of Winter

Gray and gloomy winter is no excuse. There are still ways you can keep your kitchen full of fresh, locally grown food. By the time you’re reading this, winter will have been with us for a while now. In the coldest part of the year, fresh produce from locally owned farms seem like an impossible dream that’s currently unattainable. But is that really the case? I’m going to say no. Even...

Winter Harvest Sips

Local Bartenders Get Creative with Cold Weather Libations that Warm the Soul

Month in Review

Month in Review | December 2023

Recapping some of the main events in Boulder County, Colorado, America, and the world all within the past month.

Community Corner

Islam Is Not Inherently Violent

There is no historic inevitability to the Israel - Palestine conflict, or between the West and Islam


Understanding Newly Legalized Psilocybin Means Looking Ahead

An anthropological approach can help us understand the applications of psychedelics and mental health. As Colorado celebrates the 10th anniversary of legalized marijuana, the state looks to be one of the first in yet another realm — psychedelic-assisted therapy. In 2022 voters approved the Natural Medicine Health Act, decriminalizing and regulating certain fungi such as psilocybin mushrooms...