The latest violence from Kansas City reminded me of the words from Wayne LaPierre, former CEO of the NRA, that the solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The bloodied sidewalks of…
Let me just put this right here: I would prefer an embalmed Joe Biden propped up in a wingback chair to Donald Trump on his best day – if there is such a thing. The brouhaha brought on by the…
Letter to the Editor from Evan Ravitz My mom’s Jewish family fled Nazi Germany in 1932 to London, then a farm during the bombing, then Toronto and then Mexico City before finally allowed into the US in 1940. The US…
(Photo from previous demonstration) A demonstration led by Denver Anti-War Action, Colorado Party for Socialism and Liberation as well as the Colorado Palestine Coalition was held at the Auraria campus on January 22nd, 2023. Hundreds gathered to demand a ceasefire…
Navigating the Rocky Road to Abortion Access One Ballot Measure at a Time On the 51st anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade, backers of a ballot initiative to codify Coloradan’s right to an abortion took to…
By Natalie Skowlund, KUNC, AP Storyshare Black History Month honors the history and heritage of Black Americans and celebrates their contributions to U.S. culture. Throughout February, communities across Northern Colorado offer activities for all ages in recognition of local Black…
We Americans have a serious incapacity for introspection. The so-called retaliatory strikes in the last 24 hours are a case in point. A disclaimer to at least limit angry responses: I don’t intend to minimize the impact of rabid fundamentalists…
PowerEnagge texting service launched to better connect with community The Boulder Police Department launched a new texting service Dec. 11 to better connect with the community members it serves. The new community member satisfaction and feedback solution—called PowerEngage—uses text messaging…
Colorado’s switch to EVs Transportation is the leading source of greenhouse gas and ozone-damaging emissions in Colorado. Despite lofty goals, Colorado has already amassed various Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule violations from emissions across the state. The state had set…
In other words, Advertising. I know you hate it; I know why you hate it. Of course, it can be a big fat waste of money. But if done correctly – with strategy, it can help put your business ahead…