1. Rene Pierre LeChampion Foosball Table:
If you really want your kids hanging around the house when they are teens, start by getting this. sharperimage.com, $850.
2. Moon Shoes: These “wearable trampolines” could be “confiscated” by a fun-loving father. Throw in a subscription to National Geographic and call the gift educational.
shop.nationalgeographic.com, $40, $19 for subscription.
3. Little Prep Kitchen Island:
If you want your kids cooking gourmet for you in a few years, drop them this hint as early as possible. potterybarnkids.com, $249.
4. Harry Potter Box Set (Hardcover):
Encourage your child into a life of reading by handing over a seven-book set that’ll have ’em more excited than they were when No. 7 hit shelves. amazon.com, $120.
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