People You Want to Know: No.2
Hometown street faires that host raucous music and bring together entire communities don’t just pop up out of nowhere. To make a summer-long event series come off as effortless requires, well, a lot of effort. The organizers for this year’s Louisville Street Faire have once again conjured up a string of knockout Friday night gatherings in the hip up-and-coming east county town.
The main attractions are the bands gracing the stage under the Steinbaugh Pavilion, which was rejuvenated precisely for the purpose of being the Street Faire’s home base. Each year the lineup pulls larger names than one expects for a relatively small town. This year, Los Lobos gets the title of best-known band, but our favorites are a bit more off-kilter.
The season kicks off on June 13th with BoDeans, an Americana group bespangled with bandanas and dripping with rock and roll. The following week, on June 20th, Creole legend Terrance Simien brings the Zydeco Experience to town, invoking a classic upbeat Louisiana sound. Finally, catch the Young Dubliners on July 18th to get your fill of Celtic-inspired punk, since it’s still a long way until St. Patrick’s Day.
To thank these tireless organizers properly, do them a favor: be a courteous Street Faire-goer. Bring your bike, to help with the car congestion. (A new corral for locking up will be available this year.) Buy your booze there, since nothing’s more embarrassing than being caught with your flask of cheap vodka in front of all your neighbors. Most importantly, clap along and hoot and holler your heart out.