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House District 10 Vacancy Committee Scheduled for August 15th, Preceded by Candidate Forum


Editor’s Note: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we publish some press releases in whole.

BOULDER, Colorado – The Boulder County Democrats House District 10 Nomination Vacancy Committee will convene on August 15th, beginning at 6:00 pm, to select a new Democratic nominee to be placed on the November ballot. On August 13th, beginning at 10:00 am, two days prior to the Nomination Vacancy Committee meeting, the Boulder County Democratic Party will host a candidate forum for members of the committee and the general public to get to know all candidates who have informed us of their intent to run. Both events will be live-streamed for the public via the Boulder County Democratic Party Facebook page.

Following Rep. Edie Hooton’s announcement this weekend that she is resigning from the election, selection of a replacement falls to the Nomination Vacancy Committee of 68 Democrats. The committee was selected at the March House District 10 (HD10) Assembly and certified by the Secretary of State. Each of these members have been sent an email with the date, time and method for the vacancy committee meeting. A US Mail Official call will also be put into the mail today per state statute. 

Candidates intending to run to fill this vacancy should email HD10@bocodems.org. All interested candidates will be provided with an information sheet about the job of being a Colorado State Representative prepared by a spokesperson for Rep. Hooton, a list of requirements for being a candidate based on state law, and a list of rules for the proceedings based on state statute and Colorado Democratic Party Rules. This information is also available to members of the public by emailing HD10@bocodems.org.   

In order for the members of the Committee and the public to get to know the candidates, we ask that interested candidates contact us by August 12th at the latest. Nominations and seconds will be made from the floor during the meeting, but candidates who have declared their intent to run in advance will be invited to participate in the candidate forum and receive the above supporting information.


About the Boulder County Democratic Party: The Boulder County Democratic Party works to elect leaders and achieve political policies that reflect our values. The Party’s democratic, all-volunteer organization cultivates candidates for office, encourages community activism, communicates our values and policy positions, educates voters, and works with leaders at the local, state, and national levels to make Boulder County, Colorado, and the United States more progressive and democratic.

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