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Aspen Welcomes Its Most Notorious Criminal Since Ted Bundy

Aspen Welcomes Its Most Notorious Criminal Since Ted Bundy


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Friday, August 9, 2024
CONTACT: Sara Loflin, Executive Director at 303-349-1617 or [email protected]

DENVER: As convicted felon and former President Donald Trump heads to Aspen tomorrow for a multimillion-dollar fundraiser hosted by hedge fund billionaires and fossil fuel tycoons, ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest multi-issue progressive advocacy organization, condemned Trump’s continued unprecedented disrespect for the law and our democratic institutions, and called for Trump to exit the presidential race.

“Last year, a brave group of Republicans and unaffiliated voters challenged Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the Colorado ballot after Trump tried to violently overturn the results of the 2020 election,” said ProgressNow Colorado executive director Sara Loflin. “The Colorado Supreme Court determined that Trump participated in an insurrection, and that ruling was never invalidated after the U.S. Supreme Court sidestepped the question. This is a state that cares about our democracy and the Constitution, and that makes Trump’s appearance in Aspen tomorrow even more outrageous.”

“Donald Trump is an unrepentant enemy of American democracy and must not be given another term in office to remake the country in his corrupt image,” said Loflin. “Trump can never win Colorado, and the millions he’s raising in Aspen from out-of-state billionaires do not represent Colorado’s view of the presidential race. Just down the road from Aspen in Grand Junction, ex-Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters faces the possibility of decades in prison after being sucked into Trump’s baseless election conspiracy theories. After Trump’s Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Colorado voters this November will enshrine abortion rights in our state’s constitution. Those same voters will ensure Trump loses in Colorado by an even greater margin in 2024 than his last two defeats.”

“Trump’s recent erratic behavior in interviews and on the campaign trail raise serious questions about his mental fitness to serve as President of the United States,” said Loflin. “It’s time for Republicans to consider Trump’s declining mental acuity in addition to his 34 felony convictions and long record of misogyny and racism, and join the growing call for Trump to give up the Republican nomination for President.”


Shavonne Blades grew up on the West Coast but moved to Colorado in High School. She left for California after school and returned to Colorado in 1990. She got her start in media at the age of 21 in Santa Cruz, California as an advertising sales rep. Having no experience and nothing more than a couple of years as an art college attendee she felt the bug to work in media at a young age. She learned that by helping her customers with design and marketing, their campaigns would be far more successful and has made a 30+ year career in design, copywriting, and marketing for her clients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPy4MMdcfLg. She has always chosen to work in Independent Media and believes deeply in the need for true, authentic Community Journalism. She is proud that YS has never compromised journalism standards in its 20+ history and continues to print YS on paper monthly while also expanding web coverage. She has worked at 3 Alternative Weeklies and founded Yellow Scene Magazine in 2000. You can learn more about Shavonne's adventures in the YS 20th Anniversary issue: https://yellowscene.com/2020/10/08/the-yellow-scenes-red-tornado/

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