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Gays Against Groomers Colorado Stop the War on Children Rally | Press Release

Gays Against Groomers Colorado Stop the War on Children Rally | Press Release


Editor’s Note: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we publish some press releases in whole.

This pivotal event aims to highlight and address the ongoing conflicts surrounding women’s rights, the hijacking of gay rights, the safety of biological girls in sports, and the mutilation, indoctrination and sexualization of children happening under the guise of LGBTQIA+ rights.

As attempts to redefine both gay rights and women’s rights increase, this rally serves as a crucial platform to reaffirm the importance of preserving definitions that maintain boundaries and protect children from confusing rhetoric.

Prominent voices including Jennifer Sey from XX-XY Athletic Wear, Gays Against Groomers Co-Founder Sasha Michelle and Director Rich Guggenheim, detransitioner Chance, and parents like Erin Lee, Adam Vena, and Jeanette Cooper who will lead discussions on these pressing issues.

Sasha Michelle is the executive director of Gays Against Groomers and the wife of the founder of Gays Against Groomers, Jaimee Michell. She is a passionate Latina woman who has dedicated her life to fighting for truth and child protection.

Jennifer Sey, a champion of both fashion and fair play in sports, will speak on the critical need to maintain biological girls’ spaces in athletics to ensure their safety and equal opportunities.

Rich Guggenheim, a Director in Gays Against Groomers, will emphasize the urgent need to separate genuine gay rights from the contentious debates surrounding gender ideology that are dividing the gay community, indoctrinating children and radically changing our language.

Chance is an activist and female to male detransitioner who has been in recovery from Gender Affirming Healthcare for over ten years. She regularly talks about her own recovery story as well as speaking out against medical transition for minors on her YouTube channel, detransjoy.

Adam Vena is a father from California who lost custody of his five year old son when he objected to his girlfriend transitioning his son.

Erin Lee and Jeanette Cooper will contribute insights on how these issues impact family dynamics and parental rights.

Other groups joining us in this critical event include: Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender, Partners for Ethical Care, Moms For Liberty, CPAN, Grandparents For Kids, Do No Harm Medicine, Erin for Parent’s Rights and Protect Kids Colorado.

The “Stop the War on Children Rally” is a call to action for everyone who believes in protecting children from the radical dogma that gender ideology has presented in recent years. It is an opportunity to openly discuss how the current rhetoric on sex and gender is affecting parents, children and the gay community alike. We invite the public, media, and all concerned citizens to join us in this vital conversation.

For more information, please contact:

Rich Guggenheim at [email protected]

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