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Pearl For You Announces 2025 Ballot Campaign Kick-Off

Pearl For You Announces 2025 Ballot Campaign Kick-Off


Editor’s Note: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we publish some press releases in whole.

Pearl For You is excited to announce our campaign to restore the West Pearl community space!

In 2020, the City of Boulder engaged in an innovative, community-focused experiment: we opened West Pearl to people across our city, and invited them to come dine, play, shop, and gather. The design was simple and inviting, and all were welcome to spend time enjoying our beautiful city in a new and vibrant way.

The West Pearl experiment was brought to an administrative end despite the widespread love and support that was expressed across the city. But now, any registered voter in the City of Boulder can be a part of returning the beauty of West Pearl by signing our official city petition to put the return of the West Pearl community space on your 2025 ballot.

Boulder absolutely loved going to West Pearl when it was a community space – it was a destination for people across our city and a draw in and of itself, especially for restaurants. The answer to the age-old question “Where should we eat?” was finally answered with two simple words: “West Pearl”.

“I’m excited at the prospect of West Pearl being restored as a people-centric community space that’s welcoming of all Boulderites. It will truly be a place unlike any other in Boulder, one that’s, active, safe, and local, where pets are welcome, children can run and bike freely, outdoor dining can be found year-round, and community can gather in all kinds of innovative ways,” said Kurt Nordback, chair of the Pearl For You campaign committee, “I know the community values this, and that’s why we saw such broad and ardent support for keeping it in 2022. We want this effort to bring it back in an even more successful form.”

Indeed, in 2022 the city saw an amazing outpouring of support from the community for keeping the West Pearl a pedestrianized community space. The City Council received hundreds of letters – as many as they’ve ever gotten on a single topic – asking them to keep West Pearl.

“As the mother of a toddler, I’m energized by the idea of creating a public space where my daughter can safely explore and engage with the community, free from the constant threat of vehicles.”, said Lisa Snow, Pearl For You campaign committee member. “I envision a vibrant, informal area where we can connect with others and experience the energy of downtown, without feeling confined to a narrow, crowded sidewalk.”

West Pearl is the essence of what makes Boulder unique and restoring West Pearl is a simple act of solidarity and togetherness as we enter the next years of uncertainty.

Learn more at PearlForYou.org


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