Regardless of the state of the world, our country, or our government, Yellow Scene Magazine is celebrating our Silver Anniversary: 25 years of uncompromised journalism.
I’m excited about this accomplishment because, seven years ago, I wasn’t sure if we’d make it. Things have gotten really rocky for local journalism.
To keep doing what we are doing, we are absolutely dependent on the community (get YS delivered if you don’t already), learning our way around some grants, and business is better than it was (though there’s still a ways to go). While it’s not heavenly, it’s stabilizing — just like my mental health. I meditate a lot now, which has helped me approach life with a healthier mind (very important). Upping the meditation might be necessary this year.
This year’s Best of the West is our Silver Issue, and I’m thrilled about all the celebrations. Many are winning for the tenth year or more, a handful have won all 25 years, and for some, this is their first year winning. Producing Best of the West is no easy feat. Our ballot is write-in only, ensuring it’s a true reflection of what the community thinks. But that also makes tallying votes much more labor-intensive. Then, we hire a slew of freelancers to research and write personalized messages (boring is not acceptable at YS!). Designing those 20 pages takes another 10 hours, and let’s not forget the high cost of printing. But I believe it’s worth every bit of effort. I hope you do, too.
If you’re worried about 2025, not a lot of folks are screaming, “things are great.” Most of us made it through 2024. But to survive 2025, being idle won’t work. Get active. Get out there. Keep connecting. That’s how we survive hardship.
Keep an eye on our pages and socials — we’re committed to sharing ways to get involved.
I’m about community more than ever right now. I love my local community — the business owners, neighbors, friends, and people impacted by volunteering. I firmly believe we need each other now more than ever. My recent article, Ethics Are Alive and Well in America’s Small Business Community: 25 Businesses That Are 25 Years or Older, explores why local business matters so much. For one, if some companies weren’t so big, we wouldn’t be facing the challenges we are now.
I’ve always stood by the idea that unity makes right. Once again, our nation has to face who she will be. This isn’t the first time we’ve had to address the harm caused by those in power. Many apologies have been given throughout this country’s history. But in those moments, there were always people who demanded ethics, asked for humanity, and chose to work toward curing injustice.
None of us know what lies ahead for our treasury or country. I know I don’t want to be stuck predicting. I have grave concerns and worries, but I’m letting go of fear (and hope) dominating my life. I will not be reduced to a puddle on my couch — not today, at least. Instead, I’m focusing on health first, community second, and survival through strength and resilience, which I wish for all of you as well.
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Democracy needs journalism more than ever. We’ve been telling the truth for 24 years. Your support helps us keep telling it for at least the next four years.