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No More Education Cuts Rally, March 20, 2025, Colorado State Capitol

No More Education Cuts Rally, March 20, 2025, Colorado State Capitol


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Statewide Day of Action – March 20th

After decades of underfunded public education in Colorado, our educators and students are facing another threat.

Due to restrictions on collecting revenue imposed by TABOR, this year the legislature will need to cut over a billion dollars of state expenditures.

Unfortunately, Colorado is once again looking to balance the state budget on the back of public education, despite overwhelming evidence that our schools are already underfunded by $4,000 to $4,500 per student per year.

A cut is a cut—and our students pay the price.

  • A cut is a cut—no matter how it’s framed, reducing school funding will harm students, educators, and public education in Colorado.
  • The state also does not have the funding to implement the New School Finance Act (HB 24-1448) as intended, and some groups are pushing to remove key protections for districts that would lose funding.
  • Colorado’s public schools are already underfunded by $4 billion annually—we cannot afford to lose more. Educators, students, and families deserve better

Thursday, March 20

11:30am – 3pm MDT

Colorado State Capitol

200 E Colfax Ave, Denver CO 80203

Colorado students and educators are already being asked to do more with less every year — and now lawmakers are considering even more cuts to public education.

Despite being one of the wealthiest states in the country, Colorado chronically underfunds its public schools by $4,000 to $4,500 per student per year compared to the national average. Now, facing a budget shortfall of more than a billion dollars, we must prevent state legislators from cutting public education funding to balance their budget.

Let’s be clear: A cut is a cut, and students pay the price.

On March 20th, educators, students, families, and community partners from across Colorado will rally at the State Capitol to demand No More Education Cuts and call for the fully funded public schools our students deserve.

Wear your favorite #RedForEd shirt and join us.

Learn more at coloradoea.org/no-more-cuts

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Shavonne Blades grew up on the West Coast but moved to Colorado in High School. She left for California after school and returned to Colorado in 1990. She got her start in media at the age of 21 in Santa Cruz, California as an advertising sales rep. Having no experience and nothing more than a couple of years as an art college attendee she felt the bug to work in media at a young age. She learned that by helping her customers with design and marketing, their campaigns would be far more successful and has made a 30+ year career in design, copywriting, and marketing for her clients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPy4MMdcfLg. She has always chosen to work in Independent Media and believes deeply in the need for true, authentic Community Journalism. She is proud that YS has never compromised journalism standards in its 20+ history and continues to print YS on paper monthly while also expanding web coverage. She has worked at 3 Alternative Weeklies and founded Yellow Scene Magazine in 2000. You can learn more about Shavonne's adventures in the YS 20th Anniversary issue: https://yellowscene.com/2020/10/08/the-yellow-scenes-red-tornado/

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