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Elliot Moore and LSO’s Upcoming Season!

Elliot Moore and LSO’s Upcoming Season!


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Elliot Moore and LSO’s Upcoming Season!

Our season opener is a unique blend of nostalgia and innovation. We’re bringing back a work and guest artist that marked my earliest performances with our beloved orchestra. We’ll be performing MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition, which I led during my first performance with the LSO as a guest conductor. And we’re thrilled to have the exceptional American pianist Spencer Myer, the first guest artist I engaged as Music Director, performing GERSHWIN’s Piano Concerto in F. What’s truly innovative is that we’re taking our Saturday, October 5, Longmont performance to our friends in Fredrick on Sunday, October 6. This is a critical part of our mission to inspire and serve both Longmont and the citizens from our extended communities.

As we journey through the season, we’ll be taking a musical trip to Scotland with violinist Andrew Sords, who will perform BRUCH’s Scottish Fantasy. For the first time as LSO Music Director, I am very excited to bring the rich harmonies of Richard STRAUSS’s musical language to our stage in his ‘Suite from Der Rosenkavalier.’ And, of course, we’ll be traveling back in time to a completely different sound world to experience what I consider the greatest work of all time, BACH’s Mass in B Minor with the Boulder Chorale.

I am excited to continue our pre-concert talks, which take place in the concert hall one hour before our performance begins. It’s a wonderful way to share the joys and insights I find in the music with you. Additionally, I will be giving a Maestro Talk the week before our Bach B Minor performance, where I will be “Cracking the Code” to the work that took the great J S Bach 25 years to complete!

After our concerts, we invite you to join us at our ‘After Glow’ celebrations at Mike O’Shays Restaurant & Ale House. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other, discuss the performance, and connect with our community of music lovers. We look forward to seeing you there!

Lastly, I am pleased to announce a special event on September 27th at Helios Public Art House. Our Concertmaster and NEW Associate Concertmaster will perform together for the first time, and I will discuss in depth the works, composers, and guest artists that will be featured this season.

On behalf of everyone at the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, we thank you for supporting our beloved organization and look forward to bringing you our 2024-2025 concert season, “Sound in Motion.”


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