Author Archives
Month in Review | May 2023
Recapping some of the main events in Boulder County, Colorado, America, and the world all within the past month.
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Where Worlds Collide: Art, Mystery, and Narrative Describe the Meow Wolf Experience
Meow Wolf redefines what an art exhibit can be, offering fully interactive and immersive experiences across several states.
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Boulder City Council’s Removal of Police Oversight Member is Another Blow to Panel’s Effectiveness
Edit: Boulder Police Oversight Panel will vote on whether or not to suspend its work on Wednesday 5/10 following the removal of Sweeney-Miran as first reported by the Boulder Reporting Lab here. Boulder City Council decided to remove Police Oversight…
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Boulder City Council to Vote on Removing Police Oversight Panel Member
Boulder City Council will take a vote on removing Police Oversight Panel member Lisa Sweeney-Miran during the upcoming city council meeting this Thursday, May 4th 2023. Sweeney-Miran has been a vocal supporter of police reform, advocate for the homeless, and…
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Erie Town Administrator, Mayor, and several Trustees lay out comprehensive case for passing Ordinance 011-23 stemming from Planning Commissioner Kelly Zuniga’s actions regarding the Comprehensive Town Plan update
Erie Board of Trustees passed Ordinance 011-2023 in a 5-2 vote, on the April 25th meeting. The ordinance clarifies that the Board of Trustees will approve the final Comprehensive Town Plan before it comes into effect. It leaves in place…
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Month in Review | April 2023
Recapping some of the main events in Boulder County, Colorado, America, and the world all within the past month.
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Drowning in a Sea of Homes
Boulder and North Metro need to build for their future while addressing environmental concerns, confronting racism, and alleviating homelessness.
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Dehumanizing and Traumatic: Underinsurance Following a Major Disaster Can Be a Daunting Hill to Climb Alone
Insurance companies have resisted changes to the industry that would benefit survivors of natural disasters, making it more difficult for homeowners facing this dire situation.
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Drought, Famine, Overpopulation, and a Lack of Water: What the Puebloans and the Colorado River Can Teach Us
Examining Puebloan peoples’ responses to environmental change and growing agriculture can inform modern conservation efforts, but it still may not be enough.
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