On December the 4, the world press declared victory on behalf of the Water Protectors. The necessary Environmental Impact Statement that had not been conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers was ordered and the easement denied. It was hailed…
As we approached the main entrance to Oceti Sakowin I could feel the energy already. Within moments of arriving this sense of peace and comfort washed over me. There was no anxiety of the unknown even though I was over…
As a woman who is Indigenous to this land, a Lakota Woman, from the Rosebud Reservation in St. Francis, South Dakota, I looked out tonight at all of the faces looking back and this sadness washed over me.
Update: I’ve just returned from Standing Rock Reservation in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. I was able to spend 5 days out there and I return fully committed to the message in this article. Your privilege is required. I implore you,…
Patsy’s Inn. This remarkable gem of a restaurant opened in 1921, and very little ever changed within over the decades since. As the neighborhood grew and changed around them, you could still count on Patsy’s Inn for a bowl of…
Writing college application essays fills many students with dread, especially if they don’t like to write. However, a college essay is very different from the kinds of essays you typically write for school, and you might find that you actually…