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yellow scene  magazine cover for September 2013
The Food Issue

Queens of Cuisine

Home Grown Morelia Chapin loved food from the very beginning. That is, from the seed to the vegetable. As she describes her fondness for the process of it—“of starting the seeds, growing them and then being able to eat off your garden every day”—the soft curves of her face hide her edge. That combined with the...


Queens of Cuisine

BoCo's female culinary royalty.

The Spirit Guide

We’ve compiled stories and events going on through BoCo and surrounding areas. (Did we mention Oktoberfest is coming?)


Editor’s Picks – September

Who and what to see.

10 Questions with Jonathan Tiersten

His chilling turn as serial killer John Doesy in The Perfect House is just another in a list of reasons why you should make time to meet him at the Mile High Horror Festival.

Also in This Edition

Flood Relief Listings

Ways to help flood victims.


Throwing a football in the city as a way to get a little workout is fun, but it isn’t always easy.