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Finding Your Style Within


Dressing well and appropriately for your job or lifestyle is a tremendous subliminal tool for success. A new look can transform your life. By selecting clothing and accessories that suit you, there’s the almost-guaranteed by-product of confidence, authenticity and authority. Of course, understanding yourself—whether we’re talking skin tone, hair coloring, body shape or other traits—is critical for developing a plan of action in giving yourself a new look. Remaking your look, however, is not a onetime deal (good news for shopaholics). You need to consider your wardrobe as you would any tool—meaning your look needs periodic sharpening.

Here’s where you start:

Replicate your coloring in your outfit. Hair color, in most instances, is the perfect neutral aspect to anchor your wardrobe. But don’t forget to match a key piece of your outfit to your eyes (a tie or sweater perhaps). These combinations make you unforgettable in one-on-one situations. Work the other colors of your outfit from that point

Understand your shape. If you are looking to minimize your shape, do so with darker colors, sleeker-fit and body-skimming garment such as a fluid woven cashmere sweater or a tropical-weight pant for men. If you have a figure trait that could use a little build-up, consider lighter colors, patterns with lighter/darker design elements, and stiffer or bulkier fabrics such as wide-wale corduroy pants.

Develop a sense of personal style. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon of a certain fashion trend—just because it’s hip, doesn’t mean it looks good on you. Everyone needs to put their own interpretation and statement on their fashion. On the flip side, don’t get stuck, particularly in a look that dates you.

Have a shopping plan. Before you head out, know how much money you want to spend. Consider the capsule wardrobe concept of buying fewer pieces but choosing those that work together. If you happen to be obsessed with fashion, splurge on something crazy and wild just once a year.

—Nancy Taylor Farel of Boulder’s Creative Style Consultants (303.499.0956)

So check out these great tips, then email us by Jan. 15 for a chance to win the services of these professionals. Be sure to explain why you are the person who deserves these great services.
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