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Makeover Update: No Time For Change


by Morgan Ralph
While winning the makeover from Yellow Scene is a dream and the best opportunity a girl could have before her wedding, there just does not seem to be enough time in the day to work on myself so much. Just scheduling all my appointments with Andrea, Nancy, Seth, and Angie has taken a good chunk out of the day, and I haven’t even done anything yet.

This is not to say I don’t feel honored or extremely lucky, I just might have over scheduled myself for the months of February and March. Between getting contracts to bands and photographers for the wedding, maintaining a busy website, and getting as many ski days in as possible, a girl has got a lot to do. But I suppose that’s the challenge of this experience. I should consider myself a role model for those who wanted to win the makeover or for those who just want to change. Those people are probably just as busy as I am and I need to prove that if I can do it, so can they. (Trust me, so can they!)

I am starting this journey with a optimistic outlook. I’ll just need to wake up earlier, reschedule those cake-decorating classes I’m taking (I doubt Seth the Nutritionist would approve anyway) and buckle down. This isn’t just for me, it’s for my marriage and to create good habits that will help my future children grow healthily.

Whew. Is there any way I could get a personal assistant with this whole deal as well? 😉

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