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William Tuell — Movie buff


Hobbies: All things film, dancing, exercising, basketball, reading and Gnome hunting.

Pick three words to describe you: Faithful, eclectic, silly.

Describe your ideal partner: My ideal partner, above all else, is God-fearing, intelligent and motivated by love. She has a good relationship with her family and isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes is true. Only her love for God is greater than her passions and ambitions. She is contemplative, athletic and artistic.

When you are not working, you are: Driving to Chick-fil-A.

Song that best describes your love life: “You Go to My Head” by Billie Holiday or “Crush” by Dave Matthews Band.

Philosophy on dating: Quality over quantity.

Three words to describe your last date: Not. For. Me.

Place we’d find you on a Friday night: The movie theater.

Celebrity crush: Emma Stone/Jessica Alba. Don’t make me decide.

Your dream date: We meet for the first time in Hawaii. We’re both on a trail, exploring the beauty of the rainforest. We cross paths and lock eyes. Small talk leads to an evening picnic on the beach, which is accented by a sunset, the moon, the stars, and fine wine. We talk until the sun rises.

Guilty pleasure: Watching “The Bachelor.”

Deal breaker: The excessive use of “like.”

You have a glass in front of you…what’s in it? Tears.

A little country or a little rock ‘n roll: Indie-electronic.


email no info send march17th/09

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