Name: Craig David
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Profession: Sports Nutritionist
Where do you live: Boulder
Have you participated in Tough Mudder before: Nope, it’s a first!
Have you participated in any other mud competitions, like Warrior Dash or MuckRuckus: Muddy Buddy, like 4 years ago.
What got you interested in participating: It’s dynamic, and it challenges multiple aspects of fitness. Plus, it’s with a group!
Describe your training regimen for the event: I train for sprint triathlon right now, so I’ve pretty much kept to my endurance based training. I figured at 10,000 feet, your lungs better be conditioned.
When did you start training: Back in February
Are you part of a Tough Mudder team: Yes, I’m one of the team leads for the Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Boulder team! We’ve got 12 members running the race, sure to be a day we’ll all remember
If you’ve been doing team training, how important have your teammates been in preparing for Tough Mudder: It’s definitely been a fun, yet motivating part to the training. Everyone’s got a different regimen, so when we do train together it’s a great challenge
Tough Mudder can be an intimidating event. Any fears or concerns: I think the biggest fear would be getting injured, some of the obstacles seem to be pretty gnarly!
Are you in it for the die-hard competition, or more for the fun: A little bit of both.
At Tough Mudder, contestants’ attire ranges from hardcore athletic gear to Halloween-style costumes. What do you plan on wearing, and why: Definitely not a costume. That can’t be comfortable! Ten thousand feet, first of June. It’s likely to be a cool morning, so I’ll probably wear a solid pair of trail running shoes and a layer or two that I can shed if need be. It’s a lot easier to “cool down” in training than to try to “warm up.”
How have your friends and family reacted to you doing Tough Mudder: Oh yeah…my mother’s words were “What on Earth…you’re nuts!”
Besides Tough Mudder, what’s the most extreme thing you’ve ever done: 60-foot cliff dive! I think that was more of an “am I going to jump or not.”
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