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Fundraiser Launched To Keep Unsheltered Homeless Community Warmer Ahead Of Harsh Colorado Winter | Press Release



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Denver, CO, October 5, 2020 – On September 15, 2020, a local Denver mom, Eve Chen, launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to purchase much-needed winter gear for unsheltered Denverites.   


Within a week of launching this campaign, Chen has raised nearly $2,500 in individual donations, more than tripled from her effort from previous years. “It is truly humbling to see how our community comes together, especially when many are hard hit financially by the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide temporary relief to the most vulnerable members in our community.  Colorado’s winter is very harsh, and every year we lose dozens of Denverites who are unsheltered during the winter season. Things become even harder for the unaccompanied youth on the streets” said Chen. “With the funds, we received so far, we can provide protection kits to 200 unsheltered Denverites who are doing it tough this winter,” Chen continued.


Englewood City Councilmember John Stone knows exactly what it means to be a minor living on the street. John became homeless before he turned 16 and spent the better part of half a decade living houseless. “I slept on park benches and took food from the dumpsters behind fast-food restaurants. I am still dealing with the health ramifications of my time homeless. If I had community support like Eve has put together for our Denver homeless community, I may be able to get off the streets sooner, and would almost certainly be in better health today.”


According to the Denver city data, over 1,000 homeless people are unsheltered in the county and city of Denver.  Chen also reached out to local legislators for support and was responded by HD 6 House Representative Steven Woodrow not only with a generous donation but also information on initiatives he and his fellow colleagues are working on in the legislature to fight against homelessness in our city.  


“We have a housing crisis here in CO, and it’s going to take resources to solve it. We worked hard last Session to secure nearly $20 million in CARES Act funding for rental and mortgage assistance but that isn’t enough. I encourage everyone to vote yes on 2B, which will impose a small sales tax increase and tobacco tax increase to support homelessness services, which reserves nearly $30 million for affordable housing,” said Woodrow.


The fundraiser will continue until the end of November 2020 with an aim to provide essential winter items including gloves, beanies, socks, hand warmers, hygiene products, and blankets to 30% of the unsheltered Denverites (300 individuals). These items will be distributed at Father Woody’s Haven of Hope Day Shelter located at 1101 W 7th Ave, Denver.  The date of distribution is to be confirmed.  If you can support this cause please donate at gf.me/u/yyzksj or contact Eve Chen if you wish to donate via PayPal/Venmo or cheque.  Together we can keep our streets warmer this winter.  


For more information about this fundraiser please contact Eve Chen at (720) 300-3458 or email evejpchen@gmail.com and for more information about 2B please contact HD 6 House Rep. Steven Woodrow at (720) 400-8107 or email repstevenwoodrow@gmail.com

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