Dt. Mohamed Kuziez, MD
America First Means Helping U.S. Doctors Gain Safe Return Home Following Israeli Approved Mission
Despite American taxpayer’s pockets having no bottom for Israel’s bombardment on Gaza, 11 U.S. healthcare professionals, including three surgeons, one a Colorado pediatrician, are being held against their will in northern Gaza unable to return the U.S.
American Doctors Trapped in Gaza by Israel
One of the healthcare professionals, is Mohamed Kuziez from Denver, and his Doctors Against Genocide Group, left for an Israeli approved mission on January 9th, 2025 with an exit date of January 22nd, 2025.
Not only is the group not allowed to move south, subjecting them to risk of heavy bombardment from the U.S. bought and paid for 2,000 lb bombs continuing despite the ceasefire, but the reason given is decidedly outside of their control.
Israel’s position, according to Eyal Naor, Minister for Congressional Affairs for Israel, is that Hamas has not released an Israeli citizen Arbel Yehud, in violation of the ceasefire agreement and Israel in turn is keeping the entry point closed until she is released.
This is a matter of life or death for a group of healthcare professionals whose only mission was to try and help as many people as possible but find their America First government without the testicular or ovarian fortitude to command their benefactors to release their citizens. There is nothing America First about shirking our solemn duty to protect and defend our own citizens and soldiers overseas.
If you are outraged by this, contact literally any member of Congress. In exchange for their large AIPAC donations, they’ve ensured that funds and weapons have flowed to Israel despite not having enough money for many domestic priorities here at home. Don’t you think all of that money and promises of a great relationship between the two countries means they can call in a favor to bring our U.S. doctors home?
Open Secrets – Source for AIPAC donations
Sen. Hickenlooper – 272K
202 224-5941 – DC number
(303) 244-1628 – Colorado number
Sen. Bennett – 462,940k
303 455-7600 – Colorado number
202-224-5852 – DC number
Rep. Jason Crow Congressional District 6- 223,859k – Represents Dr. Mohamed Kuziez – Pediatrician from Denver, CO who is stuck in Gaza.
Phone: (202) 225-7882 – DC Office
Phone: (720) 748-7514 – Aurora Office
What to say:
My name is __________ and I am a constituent of ___________ and my zip code is __________. I am calling because there is a U.S. citizen and Denver resident, Dr. Mohamed Kuziez, who is being held in Northern Gaza by Israel as they have closed a checkpoint due to Hamas not releasing an Israeli citizen. As a recipient of money from Israel as well as the U.S. government giving over 20 billion dollars to Israel in 2024 alone, I ask that you secure the safe passage of Dr. Kuziez and the 10 other healthcare professionals being held against their will following the completion of an Israeli approved mission on January 22nd, 2025.