The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded University of Colorado Boulder researchers $2 million to study the important role gun retailers can play in suicide prevention.
PRESS RELEASE: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we are now publishing some press releases in whole. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EVERGREEN, COLO, March 30, 2021 — The Beti Bike Bash p/b…
I met Sarah Fils during a hike in Eldorado Canyon State Park. Her two young kids climbed on boulders and ran down the path, enjoying the sunshine. It made me wonder how young children have processed the pandemic. From masked…
We ask the question, why does America experience these shootings and violence when other countries do not? What is the cause and what is the right answer? America ranks at #12 in the world for Gun Violence only led by…
Voices is YS Community Contributions section and can be published on a variety of topics, but all are provided by the local community. Funny, we pass laws making it increasingly easy for folks to get guns, and an increasing…