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2013 Municipal Election Guide


Louisville City Council

Ward 2:

 Debby Fahey

Historic preservation, as well as senior-related issues, is a big area of interest for Debby Fahey. She is a liaison for the Senior Advisory Board and volunteers with the Louisville Historical Museum among other things. Besides promoting the historic feel of Louisville to draw more people, Fahey would like to see more resident input when it comes to decisions city council makes. She’d actually like to see more notices sent out and public meetings before a proposal is brought before council. “The input needs to come at an earlier process,” she says.

 Jeff Lipton

One of the strongest issues Jeff Lipton is interested in is guiding Louisville through the emerging redevelopment opportunities. He hopes to focus on the struggling business in the McCaslin Corridor, making it as successful as downtown has been in the past eight years. Lipton believes his strong experience in public works and planning will help in this regard, as well as his 23 years on the Louisville Planning Commission. This has been one of the concerns families have had—Lipton should know, as he’s knocked on over a thousand doors. From that experience, he’s also planned on working with the school district’s planning to avoid classroom overcrowding.

Ward 3:

 Ashley Stolzmann 

With a background in chemical engineering, Ashley Stolzmann brings that knack for handling large tasks in a methodical and pragmatic way. “I’m a spreadsheets kind-of gal,” she says. Already a member of the Utility Task Force, she hopes to represent her ward with technical decisions regarding large capital projects, and will be proactive in landing new businesses in the area while still maintaining Louisville’s small-town charm. Other priorities for Stolzmann include parking in downtown, golf course repair, stainability and street maintenance.

Karen Brown

Karen, the wife of 8-year Louisville councilmember Don Brown, sees great potential revenue that can be generated by the arts community, and would like to be the liaison to the arts culture if elected. She once served on the Louisville Cultural Council and on the board for the Coal Creek Theater of Louisville, and sees the arts community as “an untapped area for us we can look to foster—because it does bring people to town.” Her husband’s advice: Think about who you’re not hearing from, and consider them as well.

YS votes Yes for: Jeff Lipton, Ashley Stolzmann

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