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Happy Anniversary! Motus Theater’s 2021 Annual Report


Editor’s Note: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we publish some press releases in whole.

As of January 2022, Motus Theater reached 10 years of programming. 10 YEARS! Happy—amazing, hardworking, transformative—anniversary.

The entire Motus team and I are so grateful for your support: the individuals and institutions investing in Motus’ vision; the advisors refining our skills and expanding our impact; the monologists telling stories that uplift the humanity of those on the frontlines of inhumane policies; and our powerful musicians, artists, staff, co-readers, and board members.

Over the last year, I found myself spontaneously weeping with gratitude that Motus made it to today. There were years I spent my personal savings to keep Motus afloat; years we reached out to media collaborators and were turned down; years we applied for grants and were declined. But so many of you kept putting your resources, networks, and support behind Motus, allowing us to build a solid foundation and achieve the profound local and national impact that we have today.

After years of challenging and strategic work, Motus’ reputation grew, and the invitations are now flowing. In the last four months, the UndocuAmerica monologues were recorded and streamed by Rocky Mountain PBS, broadcast six times on National Public Radio, retweeted by the Obama Foundation—and pinned to their page! Monologists, who were formerly incarcerated, from our JustUs project were invited by strategic funders in criminal legal reform to tour District Attorneys’ offices nationally. And with your support, Motus employs full-time, passionate, skilled staff leaders including Producing Director Rita Valente-Quinn, Partnerships and Program Manager Armando Peniche, and Development and Administrative Manager Caroline Grinnell, as well as strategic advisors, a powerful healing coach, and amazing monologists and musicians.

I hope you enjoy reading about the power of your investment in our 2021 Annual Report. With your support in our next decade, I am imagining what we can do together—what we must do together—to create the healing justice needed for this time. Please consider an impactful investment in Motus over the next three years. Email us at info@motustheater.org to meet and discuss your investment or donate today at coloradogives.org/motustheater. You are the momentum behind Motus, and our communities and our country need our shared strength.

On behalf of the entire Motus team—thank you.

Kirsten Wilson
Motus Artistic Director and Founder


P.S. Save the Date for our 10th-anniversary party! Sat. Dec 10, 7 – 9 pm at the Dairy Arts Center.

Help us continue to make these performances and community collaborations possible! If you haven’t yet contributed to Motus – please do so today! If you already have contributed – we are grateful because YOU are the momentum in MotUS!


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