Update: 2/14/2023 3:48 PM, To include the Recording of the City Council meeting. Discussion is introduced at 48:41:00 and the vote at 51:00:00. Councilmember Kevin Paine states, “It’s good you had it all figured out beforehand.”
Dacono City Council Mtg. – February 13, 2023

Dacono Colorado City Council
Questionable actions by City Council Members took place Monday Night, February 13th, 2023, when the Town Administrator of 20 years was suddenly terminated in a surprise vote by four of the City Council Members.

Mayor Pro-Tem, Kathy Wittman
Mayor Pro-Tem Kathy Wittman called a vote to terminate the long-serving City Manager, A.J. Euckert. The resolution passed four to two. Jim Turini, Danny Long, and Jackie Thomas voted with Ms. Whittman to remove the City Manager in a vote that was not on the Agenda nor had been discussed previously among the Mayor or staff. Kevin Plaine and Doris Crespo opposed the termination.
After Wittman filed the motion causing confusion and discussion amongst the Council, the town attorney Kathleen Kelly indicated that the matter could be taken into executive session, which would have required a 4-2 vote. The four members in favor of termination rejected the suggestions. Council Member Kevin Plaine and Mayor Morehead pushed back on the grounds that there was no cause for Euckert’s termination. Per Morehead, “Wittman stated, “no cause was needed.” At that point, the vote commenced, and the surprise motion to terminate Euckert succeeded 4-2.
“It was shocking,” said Mayor Morehead. “We never expected anything like just a motion to fire him with no cause whatsoever and with no discussion.”