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Printed Page Auto Parts | A Bookseller’s Diary

Printed Page Auto Parts | A Bookseller’s Diary


We feel Denver’s population boom at Printed Page. Today, we had customers from Massachusetts, Alabama, New York, California and Kansas, all new to the city.

We also had a customer visiting from Missouri. He is what we call a Discreet Purchaser. He would rather his wife — who accompanied him — not know that he is buying books in a certain price range. He will hand me such books with a wink, and I put them under the counter. And then he will say, a little too loudly, “Well, I guess I don’t see anything I need today. Let’s go, Honey.” I go along with this. I’m not going to cause any marital discord unless the purchase is under $50. Instead, I will ship him the books in a plain brown box with the return address of Printed Page Auto Parts.

Anyway, for some persons, finding a new used bookstore in their new city is right up there with finding a new dentist or doctor. I think a dentist would be smart to hang out here and let people know that they need to invest in their smiles. Be OK with me unless he started giving people the stink-eye when they opened our jar of candy.

Toward the end of the day, some locals finally came in — a group of about six teenage girls. They parked themselves in the back room and talked and laughed for an hour or so. That was fine with me, too.

– Dan Danbom
Printed Page Bookshop
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