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Colorado State Sen. Jessie Danielson
DENVER, COLO. — TUES., APRIL 16, 2024 — Today, national sexual abuse advocate Rachael Denhollander – the first woman to publicly accuse USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar of sexual abuse – will join State Sen. Jessie Danielson and advocates and survivors of child sexual abuse for a press conference to update proposing to amend Colorado’s state constitution: The Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment. If referred by the legislature, Colorado voters will be given the ability to protect children from sexual abuse by holding perpetrators accountable.
Denhollander’s detailed account of Nassar’s abuse opened the floodgates for hundreds of women to come forward as survivors, eventually leading to Nassar’s life imprisonment and inspiring a broader cultural reckoning.
Rachael Denhollander, Attorney, Advocate, Educator
Sen. Jessie Danielson
Lorilei Cloud, Vice Chair Southern Ute Tribal Council
Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Representative
Colorado Human Trafficking Council
Colorado Childrens Alliance (CCA)
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA)
Colorado PTA
Interfaith Alliance
WHEN: Tues., April 16, 2024. 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: West Foyer, Colorado State Capitol
Coalition of Support for SCR-001 – The Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment:
AFT Colorado
Business and Professional Women of Colorado
Child US Advocacy
Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police
Colorado Black Women for Political Action (CBWPA)
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA)
Colorado Human Trafficking Council
Colorado Office of the Child’s Representative
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)
Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA)
Colorado PTA
Community Investment Alliance
Haseya Advocate Program
Illuminate Colorado
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Task Force of Colorado (MMIR)
National Council of Jewish Women of Colorado
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center (RMvlc)
Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
Violence Free Colorado
Wings Foundation
Women’s Lobby of Colorado
Colorado District Attorneys: Alexis King, Brian Mason, Michael Dougherty, Beth McCann, Heidi McCollum, Gordon McGlaughlin, Christian Champagne