The cannabis industry began as a grassroots movement (pun intended) – a community of people who were (are) passionate about the plant and their health.
This sense of community, like the industry, has only grown larger and deeper. More times than not, industry professionals turn networking connections into friendships. These business relationships can truly become lifelong. This is one of the most beautiful characteristics of “OG cannabis” leaders.
When Jason Margolies, known throughout the cannabis industry and beyond for his convivial personality and sense of humor, was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2018, his friends, colleagues, and cannabis community members took action. Amy Sharp, CEO of Sharp Solutions Courier, along with Georgia Forsee and Nick Cox, immediately rallied the community together and began planning a golf tournament to fundraise for his expensive battle toward remission.
Unfortunately, Jason didn’t make it to remission. He lost his fight with cancer at age 43 on Aug 6, 2019.
In celebration of his life, and in support of with debilitating medical conditions, the annual Kickin Cancer’s Ass Jason Margolies Golf Tournament is scheduled for Oct 14, 2019. In Jason’s honor, the tournament now seeks to change its course slightly. Sharp Solutions Courier, as founders and organizers of the event, are striving to give back to the cannabis community in the most meaningful ways: through laughter, fun and the love for the community family.
This cannabis community is not only supporting each other professionally, but they have become like family. This dynamic resonates with the entire industry. What better way to deliver than to get out there and do something. With the endless costs associated with any life-threatening health condition but especially cancer, patients can struggle to keep basic living expenses under control. Tournament organizers see this as an opportunity for a growing philanthropic effort to support cannabis industry community members and their loved ones with associated costs.
The tournament seeks to raise funds for the Margolies family, as well as the quality of life funds for several other cannabis industry loved ones with life-threatening medical conditions and debilitations.
“KCA has brought community leaders and members together to support and change the lives of those suffering from their battle with cancer.” Amy Sharp
Join Sharp Solutions Courier and get on the green, the putting green that is, and help raise funds for this year’s beneficiaries. Always remember to, seek out ways to support your cannabis community and remember: we are like family.