When animals give back: The therapeutic, rehabilitative, life-saving, enlightening powers of our four-legged critters.
Sure, you do a lot for your dog. You take him on hikes, you feed him organic kibble and you let him cuddle with you on the couch while you watch Glee. But, trust us, he does a lot more for you. Here, Yellow Scene examines how animals take healing, supportive roles in our daily lives.
The Healing Power of the Horse: Three ways equine therapy is making a difference in Boulder County
A Beautiful Bond: Pen-pal program pairs kids with cancer and blood diseases and dogs with similar afflictions
Alie’s Legacy: How one couple coped with loss—and saved lives
Partners in Crime: The officer-K9 relationship is something special…even after the pooch hangs up his badge.
People Training: Unexpected teachings from a shelter dog