Broomfield Ballot Issue
Hotly debated, the proposed ban on fracking will likely increase voter turnout to the Broomfield election. Citizen group, Our Broomfield, asks voters to approve ballot issue 200, a five-year ban on all hydraulic fracturing, and pro-fracking group It’s Our Broomfield, Too, argues that oil and gas production has generated jobs and has not shown proven health problems. Recently, City Council voted to allow a memorandum of understanding(MOU), letting oil and gas operator Sovereign drill 21 wells on four sites, as long as the company complied with strict new safety standards. Our Broomfield members denounced the move, saying it wasn’t fair to sign off on the agreement ahead of the November vote, but council members say it was necessary in order to balance the rights of mineral rights owners with resident safety concerns. We agree with the city council’s decision, and think that that type of compromise is the way forward.
Broomfield voters will also decide if residents of single family homes in non-homeowner association neighborhoods can keep five chickens or less in their back yards. Currently, chickens are only allowed on select agricultural properties in Broomfield after city council in January voted to allow backyard chickens, but then withdrew the decision after members were split on the pros and cons of backyard coops. In a 6-4 vote in February, they opted not to pass the ordinance and to put the matter on the ballot for residents to decide. Proponents say keeping chickens is a property owner’s right. Other property owners say it would infringe on their rights, as neighbors with chickens would be a nuisance. YS votes… who cares?
YS votes Yes for: 2A