Longmont Mayor
Dennis Coombs (i)
After his first term, Mayor Dennis Coombs succeeded in one of his big promises: bringing stability and teamwork to the council, which was originally “divisive and [not] very civil.” This is where the computer engineer and part Pumphouse Brewery owner strongpoint lies—in managing. His hands-on, knowledge-oriented decisions reflects the footwork done with the campaign that first got him elected, narrowly beating out (by 200-plus votes) the incumbent Bryan Baum. This go-around, Coombs sees the need for more high-density living in Downtown (like the Terry Street Brownstones), and will be in focusing largely on flood recovery—an event in which Coombs firmly led people through, at times persevering through 30-hour days.
Bryan L. Baum
Developers and community members still remember former Longmont mayor Bryan Baum’s leadership. In the past two years, he’s continued to be available either through public functions or taking calls weekly on KRCN talk radio. His first act if re-elected will be reinstating the Mayor’s Positive Impact Award, an award given to Longmont citizens making a difference. “The position means leveraging that office of mayor,” says Baum, who during his term made headway with FasTracks and helped usher in businesses like OnCore Electronics Manufacturing. In regards to the flood, his wife helped serve the community with the Great Colorado Flood Relief Project. “My philosophy is to lead from in front…Leadership is what we need right now.”
YS votes Yes for: Dennis Coombs