My name is Libby and I live in Crestone, Colorado (formerly known as Erie).
Here in Crestone, you can go to work or run errands all day and return home to be surprised to see one of these towers has gone up adjacent to your property.
On beautiful blue bird sky days, you will be able to spot Crestone from miles away by the dirt brown haze on the skyline.
There is a lot of truck traffic here too…24/7 as a matter of fact, so if you’re ever lost you can just follow one home.
When you want to cook out on your grill, you never have to be bothered by the smell of burgers or sizzling steaks because HERE our air smells like dryer sheets.
We have elections here in Crestone but we don’t worry much about who wins or loses because most of the candidates just want our town to be run by the industry that our town is named for.
If you ever DO decide to sell, you’ll want to plan your showings on days when the Thumper Trucks (Thumper…like the cute bunny in the Bambi movie) aren’t out and about. (Some ignorant people don’t understand how completely awesome it is to live in a town run by the O & G industry)
I love my house here.
I have wonderful neighbors.
And what we have in common is that we were all fooled, bullied, ignored, silenced, and pushed around by the company for whom our town is named.