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yellow scene  magazine cover for August 2014


Having A Session

New beers shoot for big flavor in a lighter package

Cheat Sheet

Trip Tracker Program

Saving the Environment One Step at a Time

Also in This Edition

Learning the Rules of the Playground

Welcome to the Ins & Outs of Recess

The Privatization of Colorado’s Public Education

A misguided attempt at reorganizing Colorado's education system.

Shopping Smarter: Save time & money, find cheap supplies & clothes, and get an “A” in back-to-school shopping

Betsy Abbott tells you everything you need to do to survive back to school shopping

Begging For Change

The problem with modern 'panhandling'

Challenging Elements

One Ingredient: 24 Hours

Better Brain Food

Raising your GPA in the kitchen

Review – Celestial Cafe

A tea shop that brews up delicious meals as well


Lost Before It’s Won: The Colossal Failure of Amendment 66

Noah Caldwell dives into the implications of the 'pummeled' Amendment 66

An Essay On, Well, Essays

The future of essay grading: machines