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Holiday Recipes from Top Chefs




Raclette is both the name of a cheese and a dish from the mountains of Switzerland, and is great for the mountain towns of Colorado. We love this recipe because it’s perfect for two people or a group. This is such a simple dish that two people can enjoy with some roasted chicken instead of the famous huge turkey. On the other hand, it happily serves a group as a starter or appetizer. 8-10 servings

1/lb fingerling potato

1/2 lb mixed root vegetables

4 oz gherkins or favorite local pickles

7 oz raclette cheese per guest

optional: 4-6oz of Niman farm country smoked ham (available at

Whole Foods)

salt and ground pepper to taste

1. Boil unpeeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Do the same for the root vegetable in a separate pot.

2. Place potatoes and vegetable in individual ramekins or cast iron skillet (with ham, if using) and, using a fork,break up potatoes into smaller chunks. Slice your raclette cheese and layer generously over potatoes and vegetables.

3. Place ramekins in oven beneath broiler and cook until cheese melts and bubbles.

4. Grind black pepper over melted cheese (or allow each individual to do so) and serve with pickle garnish.


Lacy is an award-winning food writer and blogger. She lives in Westminster with her family. Google

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