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Bringing Music Back to Life in Boulder Opera’s Family Show: L’Enfant et les Sortiléges | Press Release


Editor’s Note: Press Releases are provided to Yellow Scene. In an effort to keep our community informed, we publish some press releases in whole. 


Boulder Opera performs L’enfant et les sortilèges (Sung in French) in Boulder for ages 6 and up

Boulder, CO – Boulder Opera announces their Family Series performance of L’Enfant et les Sortilèges in December 2021. Boulder Opera brings the enchanting L’enfant et les sortilèges (The Child and the Spells: A Lyric Fantasy in Two Parts) by Ravel with stage direction by Dana Kinney, and music direction by Steven Aguiló-Arbues. A lazy child has been grounded. Ordered to stay in his bedroom until dinner time, he takes out his anger on the animals and objects around him. He knocks over a tea service, torments a squirrel and a cat, tears up the tapestry and then his books. Suddenly, as if by magic, these innocent victims come to life and decide to get their revenge. The Opera is one hour long, sung in French with English subtitles. Don’t miss the talented Boulder Opera singers who will turn this story into a display of magical and adventurous opera. Just one hour and followed by a Q&A with the cast. For ages 6 and up.

Mezzo-soprano Jenna Clark, who will be singing the title role in L’enfant (the Child), shares her excitement for Boulder Opera’s Family Series, “I am so excited to help bring Ravel’s L’enfant et les sortilèges to life for both adults and children! It is such a fun & fantastical experience to be drawn into some of the most unique musical storytelling opera has to offer. Being only an hour long, this opera is totally accessible to all ages, providing an imaginary world where kids can react to all the funny characters alongside L’enfant, a small child who throws a tantrum and finds himself in a world of magical beings, while adults can enjoy the deeper meaning behind the music. I will be singing the role of L’enfant, or the child, in this production and I cannot wait to dig deep into the world of this little boy and his big emotions trying to make sense of the world around him.”

Stage director Dana Kinney adds, “I love bringing opera to new audiences, especially young children and their families! I’m so excited to be directing L’enfant as it’s such a magical show that isn’t any longer than an hour. This is the perfect production to bring your little ones to see ordinary things come to life!”

Image courtesy of Boulder Opera

L’enfant et les sortilèges Family Series – Information at a glance

What: L’enfant et les sortilèges by Maurice Ravel. The perfect introduction to Opera: This beloved story will be sung in French with English subtitles. It will feature Boulder Opera’s very own opera singers. Just one hour long and followed by a Q&A with the cast. Stage Director: Dana Kinney


Contact: Lydia Arnhart | Phone: (512) 574-9304 | Email: lydia@boulderoperacompany.com

When and where:

Friday Dec. 17th, 7:00pm
Saturday Dec. 18th, 7:00pm
Sunday Dec. 19th, 1:00pm & 4:00pm

Dairy Arts Center: $30 general admission, $25 children, students, & seniors
2590 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80302

Tickets: For tickets and more information, please visit www.boulderoperacompany.com/lenfant-et-les-sortilges

The cast for this production:

L’Enfant: Jenna Clark
Maman, A tasse chinoise, la libellule: Kelly Riordan
Le Fauteuil, basse Arbre: Allen Adair
L’Horloge comtoise, Le Chat: Nnamdi Nwankwo
Le Petit Vieillard, La Théière: David Silvano
La Princesse, Le Rossignol, Le Feu: Alice Del Simone
Une pastourelle & chouette: Sarah Kochevar
La Chauve-Souris, pâtre: Casey Clopp
L’Écureuil, La Chatte: Kim Stanish
La rainette: Alexis Haro
Stage Director: Dana Kinney
Pianist: Maggie Hinchcliffe
Conductor/Music Director: Steven Aguiló-Arbues

About the Boulder Opera Company

Founded in 2012 by Artistic Director/Executive Director Dianela Acosta, the Boulder Opera is immersed in its tenth season with a fresh, vibrant approach to the ancient art of Opera. With the intention of developing new audiences, Boulder Opera operatic interpretations are modern, eclectic and fun! The Boulder Opera is committed to making opera accessible, inspiring and engaging to the community. Our goal is to develop new audiences for this old art form, enrich the lives of our community, and provide opportunity to local musicians. Through our Family Series, we explore repertoire in reduced versions with a narrator and an ensemble orchestra. Our full-length productions, which include standard, contemporary, and rarely performed works, are experimental in nature, seeking to reach and entertain new audiences and delight the old. In addition, our outreach program is designed to inspire and educate the young generation about opera and to make connections to other disciplines through our study guides and workshops.

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