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Month in Review | June-July

Month in Review | June-July


[ Local ]

  • Local primaries result in defeat for majority of candidates promoted by CO GOP, some with very lopsided results. Dan Williams faces blame, possible removal for poor showing.
  • Louisville City Manager abruptly resigns, prompting special session meetings, although the exact reasons are not publicly known at the moment
  •  Faith Winter (SD-24) violated public policy by appearing at a public meeting while intoxicated. She announced she is seeking treatment
  • Camping ban is upheld by Supreme Court, possibly negating ACLU lawsuit against Boulder’s ability to ticket people for sleeping outside
  • Front Range and Mountain Towns face a lack of firefighters and volunteers as temperatures and climate change reach new heights

[ National ]

  • Attendee at Trump rally is killed in a gunman’s failed assassination attempt on the former president in a massive apparent lapse in security from law enforcement
  • With only a few months to go, mainstream media & Dems, call for Biden to step aside over poor debate performance, verbal gaffes
  • Yet most news outlets have been silent overcredible accusations of Trump’s assault on underage girl, association with Epstein, and plans to end democracy as we know it
  • Supreme Court issues a series of disastrous rulings overturning precedent — criminalizing the homeless, shielding the President from legal prosecution, and drastically reducing federal role in regulation and safety
  • Hurricane Beryl makes landfall in Texas, power wiped out for millions as climate change makes early storms more likely

[ International ]

  • French & UK elections yield surprising results when far-right parties — initially expected to gain seats — are rebuked in favor of center and left collations
  • Fossilized bone found by archaeologists points towards existence of Down syndrome in Neanderthals, and that the community cared for them
  • Iranian president dies in a fiery mountain helicopter crash during foggy conditions on a mountain range near Armenia
  • A Bolivian general attempts coup, is stopped by President who ordered army to stand down. Military complied and order was restored
  • Once known as “America’s Mayor,” Rudy Giuliani faces latest embarrassment, being disbarred in his home state for trying to overturn a free and fair 2020 election


“And by the way he was convicted in a civil court for sexual assault and convicted in a state court for 34 felonies. Donald Trump should drop out of the race”
Rep Ted Lieu (D-CA)

“Some will now say that I am calling America a Christian nation. And so I am.”
President of the Heritage Foundation on potential civil war they will instigate

“Wind made up less than 1 percentage point in 2001. Solar wasn’t a player at all. By 2023, renewables made up more than a third of Colorado’s energy sources” 
Colorado Sun report on renewable energy

By the Numbers

$70 Million

Amount lobbyists in Colorado were paid last year. It’s not legalized bribery, we swear…

250 / 4

Ratio of Palestinians killed to hostages rescued

23 out of 23

Microplastics found in every single human male’s testicle sample who participated in survey


Politicians killed in Mexico this year so far, mostly from cartel violence

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