Stop Stealing Mike Ness’ Music
Typically, when a band releases a greatest hits album, it’s because they or the label they’re on hears a death knell ringing in the distance. Social Distortion released a Greatest Hits compilation (Time Bomb Recordings) June 26, and as far…
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Good Eats With a Side of Good-To-See-Ya
The Uptown Erie Café is a statement in simplicity that is alternately charming and disarming. The charming part includes the homely atmosphere and the friendly service. Eight tables make up the dining area with large windows welcoming in passers by.…
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Safe Fusion
Restaurants score points with me immediately by offering free Wi-Fi access. As I’ve said in this space ad nauseam, it’s the new water, people. It’s free and should be there as soon as you sit down.
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‘It’s Annexing War’
It’s the age-old question. If one town annexes the land that a state highway is paved on, and another grabs a drainage ditch that runs underneath, who gets the nearby plot for lucrative commercial development? Okay, so this never really…
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