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Get Paid to Carpool


So the Lexus lanes got thrown out as a solution to unclog Highway 36. The next logical step is to do a 180, and pay drivers to use the road. You heard right. If you commute on 36 (by yourself) and are willing to start carpooling, busing or walking to work, you could be eligible for a program that will pay $3 per day to smart commuters. It’s a 90-day program—dubbed 36 Commuter Cash—that will enroll up to 665 commuters over the course of two years. It’s modeled after an Atlanta pilot program that saw 64 percent of the participants shunning solo driving up to a year after the program ended.

[What’s Next] Finally an incentive to carpool or take the bus—other than the environment, our dependency on foreign oil and $4 a gallon gas.

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