Attorney Dan Williams sent a letter to the Boulder city attorney's office and to the special counsel responding to the special counsel's report about the Police Oversight Panel and the Code of Conduct complaints related thereto.
Cannabis Licensing and Advisory Board recommends opting in to state laws allowing hospitality businesses where marijuana products can be consumed on-site. But the board's recommended rules would limit such establishments to consumers over the age of 25.
It’s just a word / But what if it’s a word born of hate? / What if it’s a word filled with contempt? / What if it’s a word that denigrates? / What if it’s a slur or crude? /…
After a public fight over Boulder's Police Oversight Panel, three former members share their experience of what worked, what didn't and what they hope is next for police accountability in Boulder and beyond.
Colorado would guarantee the right of Native American students to wear items such as eagle feathers and other traditional clothing at graduation ceremonies through a bill under consideration this year. The Native American Rights Fund receives many calls every spring…
A special meeting of the Dacono city council on April 5 became contentious as officials set the date for an upcoming recall election and hired an interim city attorney.
Dacono has yet to hire a new city manager and attorney despite having open job listing for more than a month, and it’s starting to get under Mayor Adam Morehead’s skin.
No one ever worried / That learning the horrors of our history / Might make us sad and uncomfortable / From the auctions to the lynchings / No one ever cared about that